The Villagers Worshiped the Fresh Black Plum Fruit

Compote is one of the ways to keep and use seasonal fruits for the seasons when these fruits are not available. If you are a plum lover like me.

make this compote so that you will not be deprived of the great taste of black plums in the fall and winter season.

Black plum compote

The first stage of preparing black plum compote:
We wash the fresh black plum fruit for the compote and put them in a glass container.

The second stage of preparation of black plum compote:
We pour a little water in a container and put it on the heat. We add sugar as much as we like and make syrup. At the end, when we want to take it off the gas, we add vanilla.

Remove the pan from the heat and set aside to cool.

The third stage of preparing black plum compote:
When the syrup is cold, pour it into black plum jars. It should be filled up to half a centimeter from the top of the container.

Black plum compote

The fourth step of preparing black plum compote:
We fill a pot that is bigger than black plum jars with water and put it on the heat. We put the jars in the pot. The top of the glass should not be submerged up to the size of the door.

The fifth step of preparing black plum compote:
We wait until the water boils, when it boils, we reduce the flame.

When it boils for 5 minutes, we take out the jars to cool down little by little. After it cools down, store it in the refrigerator and use it when needed.