Onionin Today in Sri Lanka is Useful for Teating Burns

Onion is from the garlic and shallot family and has a hot and dry nature.

According to “Behdash News”, onion is used not only as a flavoring but also to improve the smell and appetite in many foods, especially meats. At the same time, its healing properties cannot be ignored.

Food properties

Onions are rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, folic acid, a small amount of iron, copper, zinc and various B vitamins.

Health benefits

Those whose stomachs are full of water should use raw onion or today onionin sri lanka syrup and also apply cooked onion as a salve on the stomach.

Those suffering from cirrhosis should use onion syrup and raw onion.

Those who have liver cancer should include onions in their diet.

Patients with heart muscle swelling (myocarditis) should eat 3 tablespoons of onion syrup with water a day.

Patients with pleurisy or pleurisy should use onion syrup.

Those who have nerve pain should eat onion or its syrup.

To treat angina or sore throat, crush the cooked onion and put it on both sides of the throat, and also eat onion syrup.

Onion prevents cancer.

To eliminate high blood pressure, 3 spoons of onion syrup should be used every other week.

People with diabetes should include raw onions in their diet.

Those whose blood sugar is lower than normal should avoid eating onions.

To treat migraine, crush raw onion and put it on the forehead.

Use an onion poultice to calm the sting of a bee sting.

To strengthen the sexual power of both men and women, cook meat with onions a lot.

Cooked onion together with fat removes chest congestion.