An Old Woman Had a Stroke when She Saw her Daughter’s Sanitary Ware

Considering that toilets have recently become common in Iranian culture, how to use sanitary ware is one of the main concerns of people, especially in public toilets.

How to use the toilet and how to wash yourself in the toilet is our main discussion in this article. Therefore, if you have this concern or you have to use the toilet due to diseases such as arthritis etc.

, be sure to stay with us to learn how to use the toilet and sit on it.

How to use the toilet
Maybe how to use the toilet is not a simple matter for everyone!
Of course, there are ways that you can use the same Iranian toilet as a semi Persian toilet. For example.

you can use it by placing the easy-seat toilet or folding toilet on the Iranian toilet, which you can get to know better by clicking on the link.

At a glance: [hide]

The most correct way to use the toilet
How to wash yourself in the toilet and ablution
Tips on how to use the toilet and sit on it
Frequently Asked Questions
The most correct way to use the toilet
If it is your first time to use the toilet, the instructions for using the toilet are described step by step below:

First, clean your seat with a paper towel;
Before sitting on the toilet bowl, put a special cover or paper towel;
Then lower your pants to your knees and then spread your legs a little;
then sit on the toilet with your back to the flush tank;
When using the toilet, it is better not to sit at a 90 degree angle and lean forward a little so that the bowels can be emptied more easily. (like the picture below)